work online from your home

work online from your home


Hello! If you know how to sell digital products and services, then this is the job that is right for you. The consultants we are looking for are ambitious, intelligent, communicative, business-oriented and motivated. We highly value anyone who knows and can sell digital products and services and give the highest commissions in the entire web design industry! Describe your skills in the field, separated by commas (Example: sell by chat, sell by email, sell by phone, I know how to write ads, I know how to write offers). We reach and contact each of you. Our HR will call you by phone to confirm your application. Director appoint schedule an information meeting and training for your chosen ones. If we can’t meet physically, we will do the meetings and training online. At the meeting you should bring a copy of the diploma, recommendations and if you have a portfolio.

work online from your home with global web design ltd


The position we offer at the moment is only one – Digital Sales Consultant. It is also suitable for students with Marketing and Advertising. If you have experience in selling digital products and services and have worked in this field, please bring a diploma and references. The working environment that we at Global Web Design BG provide is calm. We work in a young and dynamic team of professionals. You have the opportunity to work both from our office and from home, because we want you to reach your maximum efficiency in conditions of maximum comfort. We are looking for people who want to develop and for whom what has been achieved so far is never enough. If you can easily navigate social networks and classified sites, sell in chat and on the phone, then this position is for you. Each member of the team will receive a SIM card for their business needs according to the position they hold.


work online from your home
Working Time
From: Mon.-Friday (10:00 am-18:00 pm)
Sales: [email protected]